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Best Practice Wiki

Home Page

This project was my capstone at devCodeCamp. The goal was to solve a real world problem in a new way. I created the Best Practice wiki, which is a reddit / article styled application that showcases best practices for each coding language, aiding in the ease of research and providing useful examples. In addition to helpful information, Best Practice Wiki has game elements to it; ranks, badges and a top upvoted pages. These elements were added to encourage people to post better articles and participate more.

All Articles
View All Articles

This page has articles by all languages and best practices to browse.

Articles By Language
View By Language

This page allows users the ability to sort and view content by a particular language. Once a user creates an account, they can subscribe to a language and will receive a notification whenever a new article is posted.

Articles By Language And Best Practice
View Articles By Language and Best Practice

This page allows users the ability to view articles by a language and best practice. Also, once a web developer creates an account they can subscribe to a specific best practice within the language they want. When an article is posted for that language and specific best practice they will get a notification.

User Portal New Subscription

This page is where users can view their subscriptions, as well as their points/rank, comments on their articles, and badges earned.

Creating An Article
Creating An Article

In this page a web developer can create an article. Including a text editor for the featured code (codemirror.js was used to provide this functionality).

Article Look Once Created
Completed Article

Once the article is created this is what it will look like. For the featured code to style the code highlight.js is used.

Comment System
Comment System

Below each article, registered users can comment on the article and reply to existing comments.

Upvote Or Downvote Articles
Upvote or Downvote Articles

To show that an article is liked or not by the web developer community each article can be upvoted or downvoted.

Top Upvoted Articles
Top Upvoted Articles

If an individual article is upvoted enough it could end up on the top upvoted page. Also shown on this page is whenever you click on someone else's name, you can view their rank and how many points/badges they have (also on other pages).

Bad Articles
Bad Articles

If an article is downvoted a certain amount of time or the percentage of upvoted / downvoted votes has more downvotes, the article is styled differently. This lets the other web developers know that the article isn't liked by the community.

Sharing An Article
Share an Article

With each article people have the ability to share the article via email. Otherwise they can save it for later.

User Portal With Badges
User Portal With Badges

After a article is upvoted a certain amount of time or so many comments on an article, a web developer will receive a badge for the achievement.